Monday, July 28, 2008

Pre-Dawn on Day One!

Good Morning.

Well, today we start the Gluten Free --- It's not going to be easy.

I went to Trader Joe's and I must admit I was a little disappointed that they didn't have more Gluten Free stuff... I found some spagetti that is made out of rice, and some sauce that doesn't use starch. I got a lot of snacks, apparently they are pretty easy to come by... and Cereal and things like that... but I didn't find any bread.

Here's the good news. I can make my own gluten free bread! (I just heard Mary laugh from here) My neighbor down the street was explaining that her daughter and husband are both "allergic" to gluten. She said she has been baking her own bread for over a year. She said it's the best way to get good gluten free bread. So, she promised to make me a loaf.

Then my sister also offered to let me borrow her bread maker so I could make my own loafs.

Well, this will definitely be an interesting journey....

It's 5:00am now, the kids are still asleep. Maggie is fighting off an asthma episode. Taking her usuals, singulair every night, and asmanex every morning, and we added Xopenex every 4 hours and Qvar in the morning and evening. (oh yeah, that was after rotating Atrovent every other xopenex for 24 hours) Anyway, last night was a much quieter night. She only woke up once coughing. it was perfect timing for a nebulizer treatment anyway.

Looks like we were able to avoid Prednizone this time too. That's awesome. That's twice we didn't have to go with an oral steroid.

I'm really hoping that the gluten free diet will help.

I'll post tonight after the first day...


lailamom said...

Good Luck! I am going to add some more challenges to the mix. Any crumbs of wheat can cause "cross contamination" which will trigger a reaction in a celiac or person with gluten sensitivities. So...

You can't really borrow someone's breadmaker if they have already made bread with wheat. Or use a toaster that is used for regular bread. Even more challenging:Even if a product is listed as gluten free, it might also be labelled that it shares equipment with products that use wheat...there is another spot for cross contamination.

That last one is a challenge with many of the Trader Joe's products. And unlikely products like dried fruit.

Mom Blogger said...

OH LAILAMOM... you're killing me!!!! HA HA HA HA I am definitely going to take you up on the field trip to the grocery store! HA HA